C++ bindings for the ORBit
Objectives of the Project
orbitcpp is a project to develop C++ bindings for the ORBit CORBA ORB. orbitcpp is Free Software (Open Source), licensed under the LGPL.
See the official CORBA language mapping specifications
Primary Objectives
Provide a spec-compliant C++ corba mapping for ORBit
To allow programmers to use and write ORBit objects and gnome components
in C++ with little or no runtime overhead (compared to writing C ones)
Allow C programmers to use C++ objects without having to deal with any
of that 'horrible C++ syntax'
In short, to C++ programmers, all ORBit objects look like C++ objects,
and to C programmers, all ORBit objects should look like C objects.
Secondary Objectives
Allow C and C++ objects in the same address space to short-circuit calls
(i.e. no on-the-wire marshalling) for maximum speed.
orbitcpp is distributed under the Lesser General Public License (LGPL). See the GNU Project Homepage for more
All releases can be downloaded from the
GNOME's ftp server or its mirrors.
Mailing List
orbitcpp has a mailing list for discussion of development and user issues. To join, follow this
orbitcpp is in the orbitcpp module in GNOME's cvs.
To check out the latest version:
cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@anoncvs.gnome.org:/cvs/gnome login
(hit return as the password)
cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anonymous@anoncvs.gnome.org:/cvs/gnome co orbitcpp
Outstanding orbitcpp bugs
Submit a new orbitcpp bug here
Projects using orbitcpp
- gnomemm, for its C++ Bonobo wrappers